Brooklands Park
Adur and Worthing Council
ClientAdur and Worthing Council
Area22 Ha
The project involved the development of a comprehensive masterplan to transform a redundant golf course and neglected seaside open space into a distinct park for the community. The vision for the park draws together three strands – nature, inclusivity and health and well-being by making the park accessible throughout and providing a range of opportunities to explore through organised and natural play and other multigenerational landscape experiences.
The practice led a multi-disciplinary team of architects, ecologists, accessibility consultants, and engineers in developing proposals for a lakeside café, community garden, destination playground and new habitats. A series of consultations and community events continued throughout the construction period where Turkington Martin worked closely with Blakedown Landscapes, the Friends of Brooklands and Park Rangers to facilitate a range of community-based projects. Turkington Martin was contract administrator throughout the construction period for the implementation of the masterplan which also included land remediation and earthworks to open up the park infrastructure for the enjoyment of the wider community. It is planned that the Park Ranger and Friends of Brooklands Park will help manage and develop the planting strategy.
Photo credits: Paul Upward Photography