Environmental Policy
Turkington Martin is committed to excellence in all aspects of its business. This includes
environmental protection, which is considered an integral part of our operations and a key
driver in our ISO 14001 certification.
Turkington Martin regards Government legislation and our company policy as minimum standards, which should be improved upon wherever it is reasonable to do so. We recognise that environmental protection is essential to the wellbeing of staff, the local populace and the natural habitat of wildlife and will do our best to protect them. We also recognise that our day-today operations impact on the environment in a number of ways and wish to minimise the potential harmful effects of such actions wherever and whenever this it practicable.
We will endeavour to ensure that the company’s activities are safe for employees, sub contractors, clients and others who are, in any way, involved in our work.
We accept that we have a duty of care as producers of waste to ensure that waste is minimised in all parts of our business and that those acting on behalf of Turkington Martin for waste disposal are competent to do so, discharge their own duties correctly and are able to prove this by means of the appropriate documentation and checks. We have adopted a policy to ensure that we recycle waste whenever it is reasonable to do so.
We encourage our suppliers and customers to adopt the best possible environmental practices and will communicate our policy as appropriate to customers and suppliers. In adopting this policy, Turkington Martin commits to the provision of the requisite resources, priorities and training to fulfill its obligations. In commending this policy to employees, customers and suppliers, Turkington Martin seeks to encourage a full sense of shared responsibility for the protection of the environment and the prevention of pollution. On this basis Turkington Martin is committed to the protection of the local environment and to achieving environmental best practice throughout its business activities, wherever possible, by:
Ensuring the company’s activities are safe for employees, sub contractors, clients, suppliers and others who come into contact with our work.
Recognising and accepting a responsibility for contributing to the protection of the global environment, and being committed to the principle of sustainable development.
Monitoring purchasing practices and internal operations, including energy and transport to ensure best use of natural resources and minimum environmental impact.
Whenever possible, reducing the environmental impact of goods and services supplied by adopting a “cradle to grave” assessment and responsibility for them.
Minimising the waste produced in all parts of our business.
Monitoring and working with our suppliers and other third parties associated with our business and setting them similar high standards.
Seeking to integrate environmental considerations into future business policy decisions.
Ensuring staffs understand and are accountable to these policy goals through communication and training.
Communicating the policy as appropriate to customers and suppliers.
Developing systems to implement and review this policy.
Complying with relevant environmental legislation.
Working to improve effectiveness of our environmental management.
Using energy efficiently throughout our operations and supporting the efficient use of electricity.
Re-using and recycling wherever possible.
Finally, Turkington Martin will, wherever possible, advise and inform its clients, contractors and suppliers on any potential sustainable development procedures that they may be in a position to adopt.

Date — July 2018
Next review date — January 2019